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Juice to cleanse: What juices to drink?

By Julian Warris | Thursday, April 7, 2022

What Is a Juice Cleanse?

A juice cleanse, also known as a juice fast, is a detox diet that involves consuming vegetable and fruit juice (and often nothing else) for a short period of time, usually one to three days. Advocates believe that drinking juice floods the body with healing nourishment while also flushing toxins and waste.

It is also thought to support the body’s natural detox processes by clearing the diet of sugar, caffeine, refined foods, and other substances that can deplete energy. However, research in support of these claims is lacking1 and any weight lost during a juice cleanse is likely to be regained once normal eating habits are resumed.

Bellow 10 Super Easy-To- Make &  Delicious Recipies Of juice.



Strawberry juice with low-calories.

Strawberry cleancy juice

Ingredients for 1 glass

  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1/4 Red pepper
  • 100g Strawberries
  • 1/2 Cucumber


tomatoes (16kcal/100g); Red pepper (27 kcal/100g); strawberry (30kcal/100g); cucumber (10 kcal/100g). Well vitaminized (vitamin C ) and remineralizing thanks to a whole range of potassium, iron, and selenium.


Cabbage juice.

Cabbage cleanser

Ingredients for 1 glass

  • 2 Celery stalks
  • 100g Kale
  • 2 Apples
  • 1 Lemon
  • Teaspoon of Spirulina


A super cleansing juice thanks to cabbage which contains a bunch of agents that protect the liver. With also chlorophyll (green superfoods), potassium (cabbage), pectin (apple), vitamin C (lemon) – Diuretic and detoxifying, celery helps transit and fights against bloating. Lemon, despite its acidic taste, is alkalizing,that means it protects the body from acid attacks.


Lychees Juice against water retention.

water retention with lychees

Ingredients for 1 glass

  • 1 Guava
  • 2 Celery stalks
  • 1 Pear
  • 10 pitted lychees


This nutritious ,sweet and refreshing cleansing juice contains low calorie celery that fights water retention and bloating. It also contains delicious lychees with diuretic and purgative properties. Guava brings a boost of invigorating vitamin C and gives a creamy texture.


Diuretic Pineapple juice

Pineapple diuretic

Ingredients for 1 glass

  • 1/4 Pineapple
  • 1/2 Celery stalk
  • 1 thick slice of cucumber
  • 50g of spinach
  • 1/4 of peeled lime
  • 2 Apples
  • 1/4 Ripe avocado


This cleansing juice is rich in potassium (apple), vitamin C (pineapple) and iron (spinach), a mineral that helps detoxify the gut. Pineapple contains bromelina, an enzyme that helps digestion. Avocado contains nutrients that are essential for the body (water, fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals)


Natural Anti-cellulite With Fennel And Carrots.

Anti-cellulite with fennel and carrots

Ingredients for 1 glass

  • 1 Apple
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1/2 Cucumber
  • 1 Celery stalk
  • 1 Teaspoon og ginger
  • 1/2 Fennel
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 pear


Fennel is a good ally when you want to lose weight. Rich in fibers, it soothes the digestive system and contributes to a flat stomach. Super diuretic and draining, it helps to eliminate swelling and water retention, which has an effect against cellulite. Apple contains soluble fibers, pectin, which applies a purifying action on the intestines. Celery cleanses the body by eliminating pollutants (such as carbon dioxide). Cucumber is one of the best drainers.


Nourishing Almonds Juice.

nourishing and cleanser almonds

Ingredients for 1 glass

  • 2 Carrots
  • 3 Apricots
  • 1 Orange
  • 1 Teaspoon of ground almonds
  • 1/2 cup of Soy
  • flaked almonds for dressing


This juice is also a good source of energy, vitamins B, magnesium, iron and zinc. Carrot facilitates a good acid-base balance. Apricot is one of the fruits richest in minerals (high potassium content) and its fibers, which are well tolerated, contribute to good intestinal function.


Anti-cravings Juice With Grapes & Red Cabbage.

Anti-cravings with grapes

Ingredients for 1 glass

  • 150g Red cabbage
  • 60g of red grape
  • 2 Apples
  • 1 Teasppoon of Ground flax seeds


Energy booster, this original blend provides plenty of vitamins, minerals and fibers. Those from flax seeds help to stabilize blood sugar level and avoid sweet cravings. Red cabbage is a good source of anti-fatigue. Red grape, sweet and tasty, gives a boost to your body.


Appetite Suppressant With Banana & Rice Milk.

Appetite suppressant with banana and Rice Milk

Ingredients for 1 glass

  • 1 Apple
  • 1 Pear
  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Cup of Rice Milk
  • 1 Vanilla pod


Like other vegetable drinks, the rice drink contains neither cholesterol nor lactose. Rich in carbohydrates, it doesn’t raise calories amount if you drink it in small quantity. Pear brings a wide range of minerals such potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamins. It also contains fiber and sorbitol, a carbohydrate that accelerates transit.


Fresh cucumber Juice.

Cleanser juice with cucumber

Ingredients for 1 glass

  • 2 Celery stalks
  • 1/2 Cucumber
  • 0.13 cup of fresh wheatgrass
  • 1 Orange slice


This green cleansing juice is rich in chlorophyll which stimulates the production of hemoglobin. It improves blood circulation, oxygenates cells, especially those of the liver. Very trendy among vegans, wheatgrass offers a great variety of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Consisting of 96% water, cucumber acts as a drainer. keep its skin because it is rich in pepsin which improves digestion. (only organic Cucumbers)


Speed Up Intestinal Transit with fig

Speed up ​​intestinal transit with fig

Ingredients for 1 glass

  • 1 Apple
  • 2 Figs
  • 4 tomatoes


Figs juice, has only good benefits with its high quantity of fibers. Apple contributes to stabilize blood sugar levels. And the high amount of minerals (especially potassium, magnesium and phosphorus) in tomatoes, contributes to the body’s good acid-base balance.

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