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Probiotics : when bacteria help our body!

Did you know that not all bacteria are bad? Indeed, this is the case with probiotics. Those very useful bacteria contribute to our health and are used successfully to treat many diseases today! In this new article we are going to see what are the benefits for our health, in which food or supplement we can find them and finally if there are any negatif sides.

probiotics supplements

What are probiotics ?

In our society with an increasing emphasis on maintaining good health, many people are particularly interested in so-called more natural ways to prevent or treat disease. In this context, you’ve probably heard about probiotics before, but have you ever wondered what they could do for you? 

Probiotics are living microorganisms (bacteria or yeasts) that contribute to health when taken in sufficient quantities. They are naturally present in the intestines and help maintain the balance of the intestinal flora.

The intestinal flora contains more than 100,000 billion bacteria (1,000 different species), including probiotics. These bacteria are essential for health because they:

Produce vitamins

Contribute to digestion

Secrete antimicrobial substances

Stimulate the immune system

Protect against certain diseases

How do probiotics work ?

They prevent bad germs from multiplying in the digestive system. Such overgrowth can cause disease and lead to diarrhea. It is usually referred to as”imbalance of the intestinal flora“.

Indeed, in a normal situation, that is to say when we are in good health, the intestinal flora is found in balance. But here are some factors that can lead to an imbalance such :

Diet high in fat and low in fiber

Certain diseases (such as inflammatory bowel disease)

Immune system deficiency

Antibiotic treatment

Good to know: During the imbalance of the intestinal flora, there is a decrease in the amount of probiotics in the intestines.

Probiotic choice

There are no official recommendations for probiotic use by healthy people. If you want to try, ask your healthcare provider for advice about which probiotic to choose, what dose to take, and how long to use the product. Check product labels for the expiration or “use by” date and follow the storage instructions. Some probiotics need to be kept in the refrigerator, but others can be stored at room temperature.

Benefits for health

Here are some examples probiotic benefit effects shown by scientific studies :

Traveler’s diarrhea

Diarrhea caused by antibiotics

Clostridium “difficile infection”

Ulcerative colitis


Baby colics

Atopic dermatitis

Pediatric acute infectious diarrhea


Obesity : Researchers are studying the effects of probiotics on body weight and obesity. Some studies have shown that probiotics might slightly reduce body weight or body fat. Other studies have shown that probiotics have no effect or might even increase body weight. More research is needed to understand the effect of probiotics on body weight and body fat.

Sources : https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Probiotics-Consumer/

Can probiotics be harmful?

People have used many of the microorganisms in probiotics to ferment food for thousands of years. In healthy people, probiotics may cause gas, but they rarely cause infections or other health problems. Probiotics are most likely to cause problems, such as bacterial infections, in people who are already seriously ill or have weak immune systems

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