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Vitamin D3 : benefits and where to find it ?

Essential to life, vitamin D3 is not just another vitamin. It is a fat-soluble vitamin supplied exogenously through food and endogenously through exposure to the sun. It is the only one that our body produces itself at 90%. As such, it may also be referred to as hormone.

What is exactly vitamin D3 ?

Known as “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D3 is similar to the one synthesized by the body upon exposure to the sun. Because of this similarity, doctors and nutritionists often recommend supplement to meet daily requirements, especially with aging skin.

What are its benefits ?

In addition to correcting a deficiency in vitamin D3, the best known effect of this vitamin is the maintenance of the phosphocalcic balance by increasing the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus (required for the formation of bones) from 30 to 40% and 80%, respectively. Once swallowed, it is immediately absorbed from the small intestine along with dietary lipids through a specific receptor. It is then transported to the liver where it is metabolized and then carried to the kidneys where it is activated.

Liver, skin, spleen, brain and bones are prime sites for storing this vitamin, while bile is the main route of excretion.

The remaining part of vitamin D3 is used to strengthen the immune system and maintain muscle strength. It is also used to prevent and treat atopic eczema and high cholesterol, as well as to improve cognition. It also helps prevent breast and colon cancer, heart disease and multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin D3 in food

Apart from skin synthesis, food can constitute an important intake of vitamin D3. Oily sea fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, tuna, mackerel, but also trout and oysters are very good suppliers of this vitamin. Then come the offal (livers), eggs, cheeses, butter and then milk in last position.

Vitamin D3 in supplements

Due to the difficulty in obtaining enough vitamin D3 from natural food sources or through exposure to the sun alone, supplements may be necessary.
Especially since various factors reduce the production by the skin, including increased skin pigmentation, aging of the skin and topical application of sunscreen.

Recommended daily intake : recommended intake is at 400–800 IU/day or 10–20 micrograms. However, some studies suggest that a higher daily intake of 1,000–4,000 IU (25–100 micrograms) is needed to maintain optimal blood levels.

Vitamin D3

Tip : Best D3 supplement form

Microencapsulation is a good option for supplementing safely with vitamin D3. This process of immobilizing the active ingredients in a matrix or capsule has several advantages such as protection from conditions such as heat, mold, oxygen. (unlike vitamin D oil which can get rancid quickly). Controlled or gradual release with targeting of specific areas allowing direct delivery to the required area.

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